Saturday, January 13, 2018

My last 20's??

I haven't been blogging in a long time, but I always wanted to start again.  I felt like as you get older, you tend to forget things and important moment of your life.   So, I will write again, regularly I hope.

I can't believe I am in my last few months of my 20's.  For a decade, I believe I have lived my life as a 20 something year old would have lived.  I thank God for everything that He has given me no matter how undeserving I was.  Every choice, decision and mistake I made has led me to something good and I am so grateful to have a meaningful and purposeful life.

Here's the top 10 things I learned in my 20's :

1) How to love unconditionally
2) Balance work and life
3) Keep making new mistakes
4) Don't take things personally
5) Happiness can be found in your inner peace
6) Forgive and forget
7) Follow your heart
8) Don't judge a book by its cover
9) Be independent
10) Have faith in God

Lastly,  I was able to make peace with myself on things that I really want to do.  Our life was all about conforming to the norm, to the majority.  But what if you are different?  All this time, we are brought up to go to college, get a job, get married and have kids.  The last two years have made me understand that I am a lot more happier doing things that I want vs doing things that people are expecting me to do.  So I am gonna  keep doing just that.  Listen to people and surrounding, but eventually listen to my heart more :)



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